Andre Cold Duck

750ml Bottle

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    E & J Gallo Winery
    9.5% Alcohol
    Product Description

    Andre Cellars Cold Duck California Champagne is a sweet sparkling red wine that mixes full fruity notes with a fizzy taste. It is smooth with notes of blackberry and cherry. It is a medium-dry, light-bodied wine with marked acidity. It smells like it will be sweet, but the flavor is far less sweet than you'd expect, which makes the Cold Duck work well with a much wider variety of foods. Think of Cold Duck as a standard table wine that brings a little class to your dinner (after all, it is bubbly). Need a conversation starter? The name Cold Duck comes from "Kaltes Ende," which means "Cold End" in German. This referred to the winemaking process but sounded similar to "Kaltes Ente," which means Cold Duck. Andre Cold Duck Sparkling Wine is perfect on its own or for mixing into an Andre-tini. It is excellent in mixers for tailgates and ugly sweater parties. Enjoy!